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About: About

All About Abbie

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Hi! I’m Abbie. I’m twenty-eight, and I love writing. If I could describe myself with a meme, it’d be that one that features two girls—one goth and unsmiling and the other colorful and happy—and says something along the lines of: “My personality versus what I write.” Only, my personality would be the goth girl, and what I write would be the colorful one. 

I live in a small town in Kentucky with my family and my beloved cat, Inky. I write for a living, which means that even when I’m not working on my personal writing, I’m still writing. 

I started writing seriously at twelve after I co-authored a novel with my best friend. It was a blatant Chronicles of Narnia rip-off, and no, it wasn’t as bad as you think—it was ten times worse. I dabbled in fantasy, paranormal, magical realism, dystopian, and everything in between before finally landing on YA Romance. I feel like I’ve found my home with this genre, and I have no intention of moving away.

I’m passionate about storytelling and believe that anyone can accomplish their dreams, even with crippling self-doubt. Because, you see, I wrestle with imposter syndrome every moment of every day. It didn’t leave me after I finished my tenth manuscript, nor when I landed my agent, nor when I saw the cover for my debut novel. Though I sometimes let it silence my pen, my love for my characters and my books always draws me back.

My non-writing interests include gaming, reading, and learning useless facts. I love snow, Jesus, cats of all varieties, fashion, and musical theater. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched Frasier and Gilmore Girls

Oh, and before I decided I wanted to be a writer, I considered becoming a songwriter and a mortician. Yes, really.

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2024 by Abbie Crank. 

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